Mein Herr und Gott,
lass dich erbarmen unser Not,
denn du allein kannst helfen
und sonst kein andrer Gott.
Mit Menschen Hilf ist es ganz verloren
und wenn es auf das höchste kommt,
so tut man doch verzagen,
darum will ichs auf seine Güte wagen.
Critical report - music
section measure staff description
N/A 13 Tenor Apparent error in tenor, m. 13, second note: f' replaced with e'
N/A 35 Altus Apparent error in altus, m. 35, first note: g replaced with a
N/A 35 Tenor Apparent error in tenor, m. 35, second note: g replaced with bb
N/A 35 Bassus Apparent error in bassus, m. 35, second note: A replaced with Bb
N/A 37 Bassus Apparent error in bassus, m. 37, first char: the M rest replaced by M note with the G pitch.
N/A 40 Altus Apparent error in altus, m. 40, second note: c' replaced with d'
N/A 12-13 Bassus Correction of the text underlay in bassus, mm. 12-13: The preceding phrase "denn du allein kannst helfen" has been terminated homophonically with other voices and then inserted the beginning of the following phrase "und sonst"
N/A 37-39 Bassus Correction of the text underlay in bassus, mm. 37-39: The phrase "so tut man doch verzagen" once more repeated.
Critical report - lyrics
[in preparation]